

Music To Die To is a collaborative project rooted in the creative practices around the contemplation of death and the exploration of sound and music as an important accompaniment to journeys of transition.

This is an invitation to consider yourself at the end of life, on your deathbed, and ponder the sounds, songs and music you would want to hear in your last moments. Maybe it is a lullaby your mom sang to you, or a pop song from your childhood that always made you dance, or your wedding song, or a classical piece that makes you feel God is near. Maybe it's birds or water or children laughing.

This invitation elicits deep reflection at what matters to us or what can soothe us at the end. 

Music To Die To is an ever growing library of playlists for your enjoyment, as well as a chance to get to know the creator of each list more intimately through their choices and to go on a journey as we ponder the inevitable last chapter we are all destined to embark on.

A meditation on death

Created and led by Marifel Peng Catalig

Music by Alex Asher Daniel

I. Rafe Scobey-Thal

My relationship with death began when I was born.

The integral tie.

Once we live, we begin to die.

I hope to film a death. Maybe his own.

Constantly searching for God, I know I will find it someday.

Either in something grand and dramatic. Or something fine like dust.

Death will probably be both.


II. Alex Asher Daniel

The inevitable journey we all will make beyond these bodies and into a new energetic form has been a subject of spiritual inquiry for me for a very long time.

In recent years I have been preparing paintings that explore our final process in life, and an album of music compositions that can reside in and hold space for those experiencing death.

Meditation and contemplation on this mysterious transition is an important preparation for, not only the end of our lives, but in recognition of the life we live now and the unique experiences we have been offered.

-Alex Asher Daniel

III. Yael Greenberg

My fathers passing in home hospice was my first experience with death first hand, and marked the beginning of my journey into exploring the world of death and dying. Watching him leave his body made clear to me the inherent connection between birth / life, soul coming / soul leaving. We are rarely taught how to prepare for this moment and death remains a taboo in our society. However I have learned that it is precisely through the contemplation on mortality (and celebration of death and change) that we receive deep, critical insights into what matters most.

My last words to my father were: “I love you; I forgive you, I am sorry, thank you. I’m letting you go"

I can only wish to hold that in my heart for my own life, and death.

We invite you to send us playlists and writing of your own which we will add to this ever growing archive surrounding our communities experiences of death and life.

Please e-mail music2dieto@gmail.com